Monday, June 11, 2012

game KickBeat announced for PS Vita

game KickBeat announced for PS Vita
The end result would be the last of Zen Studios, kick beat appears to have high energy beat-matching game this summer on the PS Vita, What took you a simple rhythm game, replacing the arrow button and calls with interactive kung fu fight scenes. be

Under his instructions from the older, pulp-style Hong Kong martial arts films has Kick Beat surrounding enemies, your character in circle, as they all politely waiting for their chance to attack ,These attacks come from the four cardinal points, and players can either push buttons or tap the screen to react to them, fortunately kick beat style also borrows from these old movies.

The graphics are fully rendered 3D graphics, and the fight scenes are a compelling, interactive environment within the music set. A missed cue does your character take damage, while a well-timed button input will repel hostile attack and deliver stinging counter and Zen Studios promises that will be tough soundtrack to beat kick just as exciting as the game itself.

Equipped with licensed tracks from major groups such as Pendulum, Marilyn Manson, as well as songs from indie artists Cell dweller and Blue Stale and obscure talents as producers of electronic music and Taiwanese rapper Voicing Sheen Yi, the game the music is not for want of energy, either.

Kick Beat also features a music analyzer that will allow players to create new tracks, struggling through music in their own libraries, we will try to out kick beat at E3 in two weeks, so check that you are our first impressions.

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